Does Sweatcoin work when riding a bike - SweatCoin Blog

last modified: May 22, 2022

Are you wondering about “does Sweatcoin work when riding a bike?” so do we, don’t worry

Does Sweatcoin work when riding a bike - SweatCoin Blog

Many people wonder if this is true; according to Sweatco Ltd, this is somewhat true.
And here you can read what they do s say on their official website. You can find the official statement here.

“Our current algorithm for calculating steps does not deal with every possible cycling use case, however many users have reported that keeping their phone in their pants pocket does prove effective. We are constantly looking to improve our algorithm to ensure as much physical activity as possible is converted to Sweatcoins.”

If you wonder why some of your steps aren’t converting, check out our other post here: Why some of your Steps are not Converted to SweatCoins.

Current new update about “does sweatcoin work when riding a bike”

Recently there was the introduction of the brand new indoor steps tracking algorithm. Since my cycling exercises, I have received significant numbers, and I truly believe it now works perfectly. I don’t think they need to improve it anymore. My statistics are recorded on my iPhone XR & also use a Huawei Smart Watch.

Still wondering why your steps are not being tracked?

File a report to Sweatcoin’s official email: [email protected]

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