Sweatcoin's Crowdfunding Update Project Banner

Best Sweatcoin Crowdfunding Update

Sweatcoin Crowdfunding Update

Sweatcoin's Crowdfunding Update Project
Sweatcoin’s Crowdfunding Update Project

Sweatcoin recently unveiled its newest additions to the app, with one of them being the Crowdfunding section. This section provides a variety of crowdfunding projects which you can support by donating your hard-earned sweatcoins for a good cause. There are plenty of reasons why you should help out these charities but the most important one is to help the rest of us that can’t afford the same type of living as us. There are a lot of countries that still don’t have anywhere near our level of education or medical treatment.


How you can bring awareness to charities through the Sweatcoin Crowdfunding Update

You can easily help them by using the integrated Sharing buttons on the Sweatcoin Crowdfunding Project page within the app. If you share it with friends & family it will most likely end up in them downloading the app and contributing to the good cause as well. If not, you have at least done the best you could to help spread awareness of the issue.

Sweatcoin Crowdfunding Projects

These projects are all about social issues, crises, and environmental issues around the world. Sweatcoin is trying to help tackle down those issues by giving exposure to popular campaigns that are fighting those exact issues. Some of them are, the lack of Gender Equality in Burkina Faso, the Child Marriage in Jordan & Morocco, and the project about planting 3500 trees for the orcas. As you can see below, they appear right on top of the offers section. Which I believe was done to show how much they emphasize these issues, rather than the offers.

Sweatcoin's Crowdfunding Update Project
Sweatcoin’s Crowdfunding Update Project
Sweatcoin's Crowdfunding Update Project
Sweatcoin’s Crowdfunding Update Project
















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How was the update introduced?

Sweatcoin was apparently hosting a mini release of updates during Christmas of 2019. This one “Sweatcoin Crowdfunding Update” having the biggest impact, in my personal opinion. Every day, for 25 days consequently they were releasing a big giveaway to everyone and you could enter by answering a quick and easy quiz every day. Along with that, they were introducing huge updates like this every day until Christmas.

Should we expect more updates?

After all, these new features dropped within days of each other? Of course. Absolutely, you should expect them to drop new & awesome updates very soon. Sweatcoin’s Updates are known to be late but after this awesome Sweatcoin Crowdfunding Update, we shouldn’t lose hope.

Fake Rumors & Negative Reviews

For the last couple of weeks, it’s said by many people that Sweatcoin is scamming the charities and stealing their Sweatcoins. This is 100% fake & a completely biased rumor made to negatively impact the image of Sweatcoin. It’s truly a shame that people go to such length to destroy the public image of Sweatcoin, and especially of this particular update (Sweatcoin Crowdfunding Update). Sweatcoin tries to bring awareness and help out these organizations, their goal after all is bringing awareness to social issues.

How to get more Sweatcoins to donate to these Crowdfunding Projects?

It’s actually very easy, just walk. Other than the obvious, you can also trade among family and friends, or even invite people you know to the app. By inviting a person to join the app you receive 5 Sweatcoins immediately. Which, if you chose to, you could donate them to a charity or a crowdfunding project of your will.

If you aren’t really an influencer, you could also earn some Sweatcoins by doing these simple tricks to earn more. Otherwise, you could start Sweatcoin Trading in order to rack up some extra Sweatcoins. Or perhaps, you could start using the brand new “Daily Bonus” section on the app that was released a few days ago.

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