Why are Steps not converting to Sweatcoins | SweatcoinBlog

Reasons why Steps are not Converting to Sweatcoins Explained

Why are Steps not converting to Sweatcoins | SweatcoinBlog

There’s a spike in reports lately of people claiming that they are losing steps that should have been converted to sweatcoins. This can be caused due to many reasons but I’ll list some below so you can keep your eye out why your Steps are not converting to Sweatcoins.

There’s a spike in reports lately of people claiming that they are losing steps that should have been converted to sweatcoins. This can be caused due to many reasons but I’ll list some below so you can keep your eye out why your Steps are not converting to Sweatcoins.

  1. You shake your hand when you hold your phone while walking. The app thinks that you are trying to cheat your way to earning more Sweatcoins that you deserve, to prevent this simply put your phone inside your side pockets or your hoodie’s pockets while walking/running/cycling.
  2. Walking in undocumented areas. Some areas that are rural aren’t yet on the covered zones that the Sweatcoin app tracks, so some/most of your steps will not be counted towards your total. Not to worry though, the Sweatcoin app adds more areas to their databases daily and yours should be covered soon even if you don’t report it (it’s best to report just in case though). This leads to the biggest loss of steps, hence why this is the biggest reason of why steps are not converting to sweatcoins.
  3. Walking inside buildings/your house. Indoor steps are not yet covered, even though sometimes you’ll notice a few steps passing by the algorithm, it’s only coincidental and less than 5 or 10% of your total steps.
  4. You are going too fast. If you are inside a car or really good runner then you might have to slow down your pace a bit otherwise the calculating algorithm will think you are a moving vehicle and will not count all of your steps. To prevent this, just try to go a bit slower.
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In conclusion…

That’s about most of the reasons why steps are not converting to Sweatcoins and you are losing some of your steps that should have converted, we will keep this article updated as soon as we find more reasons as to why this is happening.

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