Sweatcoin Blockchain Technology - SweatcoinBlog

Sweatcoin Blockchain Technology: Explained

It’s always lovely to exercise as it keeps you fit and healthy. However, the problem that comes with it is lack of motivation. While walking might help you lose some extra pounds and keep you in good shape, it can all also be boring.

Sweatcoin Blockchain Technology - SweatcoinBlog
Sweatcoin Blockchain Technology – SweatcoinBlog

Good news! The Sweatcoin Blockchain is changing all that and giving you a reason to keep at it. This is a digital currency called Sweatcoin (SWC), it aims at giving you the motivation to walk every day, stay healthy and get paid for doing so.  Now, each time you step out of your house, the Sweatcoin App tracks all your steps and converts it into Sweatcoins. We have a nice guide on how to get more Sweatcoins as well.

So, What is Sweatcoin?

Sweatcoin is a digital currency (cryptocurrency) earned by staying healthy and physically fit. To receive the currency, download the Sweatcoin App then keep it running on your phone. The app will keep track of your steps any time you walk or run and pay you in Sweatcoins (SWC). You earn about 1 SWC for every 1000 steps made.

Sweatcoin is a Mobile App that keeps track of your movements all day long then converts it into cash. The idea behind this Sweatcoin Blockchain technology is to motivate you to get up and start moving and in turn help you feel good, healthy, look better and always healthier, while putting a few coins in your pocket.

What can Sweatcoin Buy?

When you have accumulated enough Sweatcoin to shop, you may visit the Sweatcoin marketplace on the App to select item(s) of your choice. Some of the things you may get in the marketplace include audiobooks, TV, phones, sports watches, e-Books, Amazon credits, airline miles, or music downloads and much more. So you can redeem your available Sweatcoins for different items.

The offers change from time to time and mainly depend on the deals Sweatcoin Blockchain makes with their retailers. All transactions can be viewed on the Sweatcoin app, which is free for both Android and iOS.

How Sweatcoin App Works

After successful download of this free App, you must complete several other steps before you can start earning. The App takes you through the signup and verification process. All these requirements make it easy for the app to track your movement even on the background. It’ll also ask for an email address and phone number of the user.

Once you have signed up and verified all the information, the App opens, and you can start moving. The app converts your steps into Sweatcoin depending on how much time you spend walking.

Other than tracking the movement, Sweatcoin Blockchain is also a warehouse for all things Sweatcoin. You can see the SWC you need to buy Amazon credit, or an iPhone or a $1,000 Delta Airlines ticket within the app. Further, the app displays the history of all transactions. It also shows how your friends are doing in the program and allows you to upgrade to a more advanced plan.

Sweatcoin Membership Plans

The first time you sign up and open your Sweatcoin account, you get into a Mover account by default, this account type is free for life.

  • Mover Plan (Free)

Mover’s account earns you up to 5 Sweatcoin in a day and a maximum of 150 Sweatcoin in a month. If you have a Mover account but want to walk more than your account limits, then you are not lucky. It would help if you waited for the next month.

  • Shaker Plan (4.75 SWC/Month)

Want to buy a high-priced iPhone 8? It makes sense to upgrade to a paid plan. The lowest priced paid plan after Mover is the Shaker account. It earns you up to 10 Sweatcoin in one day and a maximum of 300 Sweatcoin in a month at the cost of 4.75 Sweatcoin per month.

  • Quaker Plan (20 SWC/Month)
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The other paid plan is Quaker. It earns you 15 Sweatcoin in one day and up to 450 Sweatcoin every month. The Quaker plan cost 20 Sweatcoin per month.

  • Breaker Plan (30 SWC/Month)

Breaker plan goes for 30 Sweatcoin per month. It allows you to the ability to a maximum of 20 Sweatcoin daily and 600 Sweatcoin in a month.

What it means, you can walk around and pay for your paid plan. Technically, the Sweatcoin Blockchain technology lets you walk to for advanced membership plans of the App; in turn, you get even more SWC per day and month. Always keep in mind that Sweatcoin translates into real-world cash and you’re charged for every transaction. However, Sweatcoin offers not a plan for paying for these plans with real cash.

  • Cost of Sweatcoin App

Everything in this App costs Sweatcoin (SWC). You won’t be asked to provide your personal information, credit card information or address. However, your username and the email address are necessary for successful verification.

  • Activities the App Tracks

Sweatcoin only tracks your steps when you are outdoor. It’s unfortunate you cannot track your movement in the swimming pool, gym or other activities.

  • Send SWC to Friends and Family

You can send Sweatcoin to your family and friends. This App has a “Send to friend” option, and you can also pick from a list of persons you’d like to send the Sweatcoin to. The recipients then receive a credit for the amount sent and can immediately be able to spend it as their own.

  • Compete With Others

You can compete with your friends through the Sweatcoin App. It has a feature that allows you to follow others, and create a leaderboard where you can see who’s doing the best job in staying healthy and earning coins.

  • How the App Tracks Movements

Sweatcoin App requires accelerometer and the GPS feature on your phone or Apple Watch to track every step you make. You have feed in all the data for the app to start tracking your steps.  The app must be set to keep track of your movement even when it’s not open.

  • Battery Life

If the app keeps tracks your steps throughout the day by GPS and accelerometer, you need to do something about the battery. Sweatcoin App warns about the app dramatically impacting your battery life especially if you have to do so every day. So, expect your phone to drain fast when Sweatcoin is running.

  • Indoor or Outdoor

Sweatcoin App doesn’t work when you are indoors. When you step out of your house, it tracks movement and adds some extra steps.

  • How to get Sweatcoin

The Sweatcoin mobile app is available for both Android and iOS smartphones, and Apple Watch. Download the app for free and start making coins for being well and healthy.

  • Supported Devices

Sweatcoin App is designed for the Apple Watch and iPhones (iPhone 5 and newer versions). For Android, the device must be Android 4.4 or later versions.

  • Sweatcoin Conversion

0.95 Sweatcoins equals to 1,000 steps. When using the basic Mover plan, you can only up to earn 5 Sweatcoin per day and 150 Sweatcoin per month. You can register for a better exchange rate on your steps, and be able to reap more Sweatcoin every day.

  • No Legit Cash Trades

What most newbies ask about Sweatcoin is the question of whether SWC can be traded for cash or PayPal credit like it is with Bitcoin. Well, it’s a NO at the moment. The app doesn’t have that feature, but you may redeem your Sweatcoin for PayPal money if the marketplace has such an offer. Alternatively, you can send Sweatcoin to people in return for cash, but this isn’t recommended at the moment because there are a lot of scammers out there. If you do choose to trade, we suggest you reading this guide.

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Sweatcoin and Bitcoin

When Sweatcoin Blockchain (SWC) becomes a cryptocurrency, it will be an alternative form of currency mined by walking. Bitcoin (BTC) is earned by use of graphics card to solve complex equations and expect to find the next block of coins through mining. Sweatcoin, on the other hand, is the same but also different because real life steps and movements to generate Sweatcoin. It’s not a chance that you’ll find coins or not, walk around to earn a Sweatcoin. Most BTC miners take long to process their currency, and sometimes end up with nothing because of a limited supply of Bitcoin.

Precisely, Sweatcoin Blockchain and Bitcoin are at different ends the cryptocurrency spectrum. BTC is a real digital currency and blockchain while SWC is a state-of-the-art use of the digital currency technology existing in its world.

The Snag about Sweatcoin App

Everything that has a right side must have the wrong side. Sweatcoin App has a few limitations.

  1. To begin with, you must walk or run to accumulate SWC since the activity tracking system is based on steps for coins. Another thing, you must be out of your house to accrue SWC. Nonetheless, some Apps have been reported to be recording steps from inside the house, and this glitch is currently being solved. 
  2. Additionally, isn’t it hard to walk around with your phone all day long? So if you like to leave your phone behind then, this app is not for you. There is no sync feature for smartwatches or fitness trackers, so you still have to carry your phone along to earn coins.
  3. It’s worrying to know that the Sweatcoin App runs throughout the day while tracking your movement. You know what this means to your battery life. Fortunately, the app features a battery saver mode. The app has been reported to drain the battery fast.
  4. Worst of all, the basic membership plan of Sweatcoin App limits the user to earning only 5 SWC per day.

Investing in Sweatcoin Blockchain?

The first reason to download the Sweatcoin app is to enhance your health and maintain your wellbeing. Even though the coins and recurring purchases makes a great incentive to keep you active, the goal of Sweatcoin app is to ensure you get off the couch and step out.

The value of Sweatcoin Blockchain currency is relatively low at the moment and cannot be traded on the exchanges. Nevertheless, there could be plans to make it possible in the future. When founders hinted that they would create their blockchain and go live on some top cryptocurrency exchanges, the price of Sweatcoin, as well as other selling coins, privately increased. Nonetheless, these plans have not come true. If you are thinking about investing in Sweatcoin, think about it as a long-term plan.

  • Free to download and start earning coins. (Get the app here)
  • You don’t need computer skills to earn Sweatcoin.
  • You are paid to do things you would do on your daily routine
  • SWC is likely to become a tradable commodity shortly in the future,
  • To prevent Sweatcoin hack attacks, its developers limited it to track only outdoor steps. This way, it cannot accumulate credits quickly.
  • The app must be running in the background all the time to track your movement; this means your location is public.
  • The Sweatcoin app drains battery quick
  • You have to pay for full benefits in higher membership plans

Last Word

Sweatcoin is generally designed for everyone to overcome motivational challenges that come along with the need to exercise. The Sweatcoin platform is dedicated to demonstrating the economic value of individuals, healthcare providers, governments, and insurer’s movements. We hope the Sweatcoin Blockchain will bring more awareness to those values.

Updated last on 28th July, 2020.

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