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Safe Sweatcoin Trade – Avoid Sweatcoin Scams

Looking for how to make a Safe Sweatcoin Trade after being scammed? You can avoid Sweatcoin Scams easily

How Safe Is Sweatcoin? - SweatcoinBlog
How Safe Is Sweatcoin? – SweatcoinBlog

In an effort to minimize this current issue I’ve come up with this guide. First off, always make sure that you are not dealing with a scammer, there are hints most of the time. If you are using discord, check if his profile says “New to Discord” that is usually a sign of a scammer. In turn, that’s almost a 95% chance that this won’t be a Safe Sweatcoin Trade and most likely will end up being one of the Sweatcoin Scams.

Social Media Check

If you use Facebook, check his friends’ list, if it has less than 10 and/or made his account in the last 2-3 weeks this is also a possible alert that something is wrong. In case you are doing business on eBay, check his reputation and when he made his account.
For more info on Sweatcoin Trading/Buying/Selling take a quick look at this article.

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Okay, I’ve got a deal lined up, how do I continue to ensure a Safe Sweatcoin Trade?

Sweatcoin Price - How much does a Sweatcoin worth/cost - SweatcoinBlog - Safe Sweatcoin Trade, Avoid Sweatcoin Scam
Sweatcoin Price – How much does a Sweatcoin worth/cost – SweatcoinBlog – Safe Sweatcoin Trade, Avoid Sweatcoin Scam

Do you have a buyer lined up? If you have made sure that he is legit using the above steps of ensuring a Safe Sweatcoin Trade then you are ready to make the transaction and avoid those annoying Sweatcoin Scams. To do this though, if it’s a large sum of Sweatcoins, we suggest using a middleman. A middleman is a person that will ensure the safety of the transaction, will receive the Sweatcoins, then tell the Buyer to send the PayPal/bank balance to the seller. Then, the middleman will proceed by sending the PayPal/bank balance. It is very important to make sure the middleman is a trusted & reputable member of the community that you both agree on, don’t trust a random person, and apply the same steps above to this person, as it could be the buyer’s duplicate account.

Where do I find a middleman? What’s the cost? Will he guarantee a Safe Sweatcoin Trade?

There are a lot of them available. For starters, you can join our blog’s Discord server and ask one of the Staff members to middleman the deal for you. Or, you can find a friend you have in common with the buyer and use him to make sure it will be a Safe Sweatcoin Trade and avoid a Sweatcoin Scam altogether.

People to do the “middle” men for you

Middlemen are usually free, but in some cases, where the amounts are really huge they might charge a 5% fee due to the risk being taken. Paid middlemen are more trustworthy because it’s their actual job to ensure this goes right, they aren’t just volunteers. Although, we should note that they can’t guarantee any successful trading outcomes, worst case scenario you get your Sweatcoins/money back though. If you can’t find anyone feel free to contact us through our contact page.

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Doesn’t have to be a “real” person doing the middleman trade to ensure a Safe Sweatcoin Trade

If you don’t want to trust an actual person with this deal, there’s a lot of websites that help both the buyer and the seller ensure a safe Sweatcoin transaction. One of them is escrow.com, it makes sure both parties accept the terms of the agreement and it verifies they are both valid entities.

Escrow Middlemen Services Online

But, services such as that one linked take a higher fee usually and they only work with Bank accounts. They might take up to 15% fee and usually, international bank wires take 20$ out of your total cost. Those at least ensure 100% successful & safe Sweatcoin Trades. They remove the Sweatcoin Scams probability altogether.

Wondering how to get more Sweatcoins so you can have a bigger amount, therefore, attracting bigger & safer buyers to have more chances of a Safe Trade? Check this guide on how to earn more Sweatcoins easily.

Future Plans with Sweatcoin Blockchain to eliminate the risk of these Sweatcoin Scams are verified and we are just waiting for a better & simpler way to do Safe Sweatcoin Trading.


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